Welcome to my blog, fellow travel enthusiasts! My name is Elizabeth and I LOVE to travel!
Growing up in a military family, I got used to moving around a lot. But, as an adult, without the constant change of location, I began to feel a bit restless. Unless I was able to find a job that would move me around, I knew it would not be practical to uproot and move every couple of years. Even with a job relocation, I would not necessarily have control of where I got to go in that scenario. So, I started traveling domestically, for a change of scenery; mostly car trips along the East Coast. I realized I could easily solve my wanderlust without the headache of packing up everything I own and finding a new job. After a while, I started to shift my focus to traveling internationally, feeding my love for history, culture, and new experiences.

My trips throughout the years have ranged from self-guided to escorted, as well as last minute trips. My goal in creating this blog is to share some of my experiences and hopefully provide helpful tips and suggestions for some great trips of your own!